Haiku by Yuka Yamagishi (山岸由佳)

I don’t really know you
that well


inside the cherry tree in leaf
wings warming up


the afterimage of birds
at the water’s edge
cherry blossoms in bloom


one by one
like small stones
soap bubbles


full moon:
the shoals keep spitting sand


birds migrating
deep within the forest
of myself


summer solstice night:
holding the plastic umbrella
between my legs


always September
for the little bird
in the mosaic . . .


in the forest
of firefly lights, my heart
getting bigger


no one crossing
to the other shore
. . . fireflies


in the chain-link fence
the sound of winter
and the sea


perched like a bird
in front of the painting
spring chill


coins passing
from hand to hand
firefly night


pushing the warehouse door
with my shoulder
red winter leaves


Photo from the Gendai Haiku Association

Yuka Yamagishi (b. 1977) won the 33rd Gendai Haiku Association New Face Award in 2015. In 2009, she joined the Enkan Haiku Group and studied under its president, Kanta Ishi. In 2012, she won the Enkan Newcomer Award, and she won the Enkan Prize the following year. She also joined Mame-no-Ki in 2012. Yamagishi’s first collection of haiku, Joubu na Kami (Durable Paper [丈夫な紙]), was released in 2022.

Alternate translations of 蛍火の森の大きくなり心臓 (lit. “firefly light forest becoming bigger, heart”):

the forest of firefly lights
growing bigger
my heart

the forest of firefly lights expanding heart

forest of firefly lights expanding the heart

the forest of firefly lights expanding my heart

the forest
getting bigger in the firefly light
my heart

in firefly light
the forest growing bigger
my heart

Notes: In the poem 蛍火の森の大きくなり心臓, the cut comes between 大きくなり (getting bigger) and 心臓 (heart). “getting bigger” should directly modify “the forest.” The word “heart” appears alone with no modifier, so this sudden juxtaposition could be read as the speaker’s heart responding to the forest which seems to be getting bigger with the light of the fireflies. In effect, we understand that the speaker’s heart is expanding because the forest is also expanding in the light. However, “heart” is vague enough that it could also be read as the metaphorical “heart” of the forest growing bigger in the light of the fireflies. Thank you to Rin Namakura for pointing out the nuances of this haiku and recommending changes to my initial translation, which removed any ambiguity by directly connecting “getting bigger” to “my heart” and not to “forest.”


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